Sergeant towser was lean and angular and had fine blond hair so light it was almost without colour, sunken cheeks . 陶塞军士骨瘦如柴,双颊干瘪,纤细的黄头发淡得几乎象没有颜色。
You ' re said to have sunken cheeks , which i don ' t find now 黄兔: “听说你有凹陷的脸颊,怎么我没看见? ”
Pride , contempt , defiance , stubbornness , submission , lamentation , succeeded one another ; so did varieties of sunken cheek , cadaverous colour , emaciated hands and figures 自尊轻蔑,挑战顽强屈服哀悼的表情一个个闪现,深陷的双颊惨白的脸色瘦骨嶙峋的双手和身形。
After seeing after his duties , tchekmar , with his thin face and sunken cheeks , looked towards his master , with whom he had lived on the best of terms for thirty years . perceiving that he was in a genial humour , he anticipated a pleasant chat 那个消瘦的两颊深陷的切克马尔弄好了他自己的事情,不住地瞅着主人,他和主人和睦相处已有三十年了,他明了主人的愉快心情,等待他跟他愉快地谈话。
" on the contrary - " brissenden paused and ran an insolent eye over martin s objective poverty , passing from the well - worn tie and the saw - edged collar to the shiny sleeves of the coat and on to the slight fray of one cuff , winding up and dwelling upon martin s sunken cheeks “相反, ”布里森登住了嘴,不客气地打量了一眼马丁那明显的贫穷。从旧领带到锯状的衣领,到磨光了的外衣肘部,再到有一处已经绽线的袖日,到未了又细细打量了一下马丁那凹陷的双颊。
Looking on the bridge he saw the living waves of the soldiers , all alike as they streamed by : shakoes with covers on them , knapsacks , bayonets , long rifles , and under the shakoes broad - jawed faces , sunken cheeks , and looks of listless weariness , and legs moving over the boards of the bridge , that were coated with sticky mud 他朝桥上打量了一番,看见同类的士兵的浪涛士兵饰穗套上布罩的高筒军帽背包刺刀长枪,还看见高筒军帽下露出的疲惫的面容,宽大的颧骨,凹陷的两颊,还有在黏满桥板的泥泞中行走的双腿。